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Modern Musician contest Group Profile Picture
Created March 17, 2023

Modern Musician contest

Winners announced: Modern Musician


PETEandhisBEANS♪ Avatar
about 1 month ago

well this was a joke. i've taken a note to never put my entire heart into a track for this community again. this goes to show that this site is no longer dying. it's dead. i'm done trying to contribute to soundation's bovine excrement of a site. i may quit publishing tracks, and i'm certainly not taking them seriously anymore.

i'm not pissed about my lack of podium positioning, i'm pissed that my submission "couldn't be verified". the original project for The Werak was crashing every time i opened it, after only a few seconds.

josephthegiant Avatar
about 1 month ago

Congrats to the winners and all! I would just really love to see more targeted prizes in the future, just because, no offense, it feels like these prizes aren't going to be super helpful to the winners. Correct me if I'm wrong, and I am very sorry if I am being presumptuous. I'm just making an observation.

josephthegiant Avatar
about 1 month ago

I love Soundation and all, but to be perfectly honest, I doubt that people with multiple platforms, like me, entered for the Premium Soundation plan.

josephthegiant Avatar
about 1 month ago

From what I've seen, there are very few people on Soundation who are committed to growing their fanbase on multiple platforms. I'm not saying this to single myself or any other specific people out as needing the prize, though it would be more helpful to us. What I am saying, however, is that in order to be an actually impactful contest, I feel like the prizes should have been more targeted for the general population on Soundation, and the general population most likely isn't going to use StreetTeam in as much of a committed way as a committed musician is going to.

josephthegiant Avatar
about 1 month ago

Another thing that I'm really confused about. To my knowledge (this may not be true), the people who won literally ONLY use Soundation to post music. Not MAKE music, but POST music, which is what this whole contest is about. Marketing. If you watch a demo of StreetTeam, it seems like it's clearly targeting musicians who have multiple platforms. I mean, Soundation is epic and all, but there are slim pickings here as far as growing the large fanbase that StreetTeam is designed to grow.

josephthegiant Avatar
about 1 month ago

Cuz tbh, there were some entries that other people put out that I feel were a bit better than the top three that were chosen here.

josephthegiant Avatar
about 1 month ago

So, congrats to the winners and all, but I'm interested to know what "top choices" couldn't get verified. Would y'all be able to explain that to people so we know how to avoid getting disqualified in the future?

Blackjack Avatar
about 1 month ago

I agree that they should have made a list of honorable mentions. That would've been cool

Katze Avatar
about 1 month ago

They were already announced last night because in European time, the 6th started sometime late last night. You can see them here.

crmsn Avatar
about 1 month ago

what time they being announced at?
